Engine service:
When the ‘check engine’ light goes on, it’s time to take your vehicle to the MALATAN BOSCH SERVICE CENTRE & our qualified mechanics will make sure that all components of your car engine are in good shape including :
- Ignition Wires, Module & Coil Pack(s)
- Fuel Pump
- Distributor Cap and Rotor
- Crankcase Ventilation
- Vapor Canister Filter
- Oil
Transmission Service:
A transmission service is a regular part of routine car maintenance, just like an oil change. The primary aspect of a transmission service is flushing out the old transmission fluid and replacing it with new fluid. However, a complete transmission service should also include: examining the sump pump or pan (if possible), replacing or cleaning the filter, cleaning the pan and installing it with a new pan gasket.
The experts at MALATAN BOSCH SERVICE CENTER are here for your next transmission service. We specialize in diagnosing and fixing transmissions of all makes, models, and configurations primarily in the European segment.
We run diagnostics and do a complete inspection to find the issues affecting your Engine & transmission system. We recommend only the work that needs to be done and won’t do anything until after we’ve discussed your options with you and determined the best, most reliable course of action to fix your car and get you back on the road.